Our Midweek programme offers a variety of groups and activities to get involved with. We host a mixture of faith-led discussion groups and community-focused activities to ensure there is something for everyone. For any questions regarding events and activities, please get in contact by emailing hello@bgmc.org.uk. For photos and regular updates on what we get up to, you can follow us on Instagram at @communityatbgmc.
Our Dance Workshops are led by Akram Warren, a member of Bethnal Green Mission Church and a talented dancer. The dance workshops take place on Monday evenings, 19:00 – 20:30 and offer classes for those at either beginner or intermediate level. The dance workshops teach routines that incorporate street, hip-hop and afrobeats dance styles, all within a relaxed and welcoming group. Workshops are £7 a session, and can be booked at this link.
We run a weekly football session on Wednesdays 15:00-16:00 for refugees and asylum seekers staying in Tower Hamlets. The project aims to offer attendees a space to relax, play sport, build friendships and integrate within the local community. Where possible, we aim to provide pastoral support and practical support with documentation and housing. If you would like to attend or know someone who would, please email Heather here.
The book group takes place online, over Zoom at 19:30 – 20:30 every Wednesday evening. It is a time to discuss and reflect on the contents of books we have chosen to read. We have previously read The Lord Is My Courage: Stepping Through the Shadows of Fear Toward the Voice of Love by KJ Ramsey and Low Anthropology by David Zahl. We have just begun Faith, Hope and Carnage by Nick Cave. Please contact Mike here to join or for further information.
We host a weekly beginner’s yoga class on Thursday evenings, 19:00-20:00. The price is variable depending on financial means, so that anyone can attend regardless of cost. The class is led by a trained yoga instructor, and is friendly, inclusive, and welcoming. Our classes are for everyone and our aim is to make yoga as inviting and accessible as possible. We would like for people to attend regardless of ability, injuries or health conditions. To book a space, please email Heather here.
Our weekly small group is for people who are looking to discuss and share thoughts on their Christian faith, and to be challenged by exploring studies and readings on the subject. Topics currently centre around a devotional book by Brian McClaren. The small group meets weekly on Wednesdays, 19:00 – 21:30, to eat, chat, discuss and pray. The group is currently full, with more spaces available in Summer. Contact hello@bgmc.org.uk to join or for further information.
Our Art Crafty Fridays run on a monthly basis on Fridays, 15:30 – 17:00. All activities are based at beginner level and are for people to meet together and practice creative activities. All materials are provided and groups are very welcome. Activities for the workshops are set in advance for each session. The group is designed to allow attendees to meet others, practice creative skills, and explore the benefits of art for our mental wellbeing. All classes are free of charge, however if you feel able to do so, donations are welcome to help with the running cost of the workshops. Please visit this link to see exact dates for the workshops and to book a space.
In connection to the Poetry Workshops that run every 4th Sunday of the month, we also host Bethnal Beats @ The Beehive: a night of music and spoken word poetry performance. Free entry with a paid bar available, Bethnal Beats invites people to both attend and perform to be part of a creative community and support attendees of the Poetry Workshops. Our next Bethnal Beats will be on Friday 28th March 7pm, please email hello@bgmc.org.uk.
Poetry writing workshops are run by James Pickin, a member of Bethnal Green Mission Church every 4th Sunday of the month. The workshops run from 13:30 – 15:30, and are a great way to spend time within your weekend on a restful, thought-provoking, and artistic activity with a like-minded group of people. For more information and exact dates, please email hello@bgmc.org.uk.